Be A CoDA Sponsor


Why should you think about sponsorship? 

Becoming a sponsor is one of the most meaningful ways to contribute to your own healing journey. The relationship between a sponsor and a sponsee is thoughtfully designed, allowing you to develop your interpersonal skills without the complications that often come with romantic, family, or work relationships. As a sponsor, you will nurture vital skills such as acceptance, emotional availability, active listening, and the ability to let go of specific outcomes.

Many people find it challenging to offer love and support without trying to control the situation or becoming overly passive. Sponsorship creates a safe space to practice providing  empathy with detached compassion  support within the established CoDA framework.

Alongside enhancing your relational skills, being a sponsor will deepen your understanding of the CoDA twelve-step recovery program. For example, while you might feel you fully understand the idea of accepting your powerlessness over others, explaining this concept to someone else may reveal new perspectives. You might find that addressing a sponsee’s questions requires revisiting CoDA literature, which can further enrich your own recovery journey.

In the end, sponsoring someone can bring you several benefits:

1. Giving back the support you have received.
2. Building a relationship grounded in mutual trust.
3. Helping someone on their path to transformation and witnessing their growth, if it happens.

Why Sponsor or be Sponsored?

Being a sponsor or being sponsored is one of the most precious gifts you can offer yourself in recovery. Co-Dependents Anonymous is a 12 Step program aimed at overcoming codependence, similar to other 12 Step Programs. A sponsee is someone who seeks guidance in navigating the 12 Steps.

Sponsorship provides a nurturing environment to experience the joy of giving loving, caring support within a structured CoDA framework. Whether you are a Sponsor or a sponsee, this experience will enhance your understanding and application of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions in your life.

What Can I Anticipate from Having a Sponsor?

Establishing a connection with a sponsor, and allowing them to connect with you, presents a wonderful chance to navigate the 12 Steps together. Engaging with the 12 Steps through the diverse CoDA literature and workbooks can often bring forth profound, sometimes hidden memories. To truly benefit from the sponsorship experience, it’s advisable to keep the focus on the journey of working through the 12 Steps, rather than aiming to become close friends.

Recommended Guidelines for Sponsorship.

The foundation of a successful sponsor-sponsee relationship lies in clearly defining the logistics, responsibilities, and expectations for both parties involved.

The significance of this relationship starts early, as both individuals seek a mutual commitment. An experienced sponsor may propose some initial guidelines to help establish realistic goals and expectations.

It is advisable to have a conversation beforehand about the practical elements of your journey together, such as:

Will you and your sponsor meet face-to-face? If so, how frequently and where?
Do both of you have sufficient time to dedicate to the sponsorship?
Are there any anticipated challenges that either the sponsor or sponsee foresees?
What are the expectations each of you holds regarding the sponsorship?
How will you address any shortcomings in meeting those expectations?
What level of commitment is required?

The degree of commitment from both the sponsor and sponsee is crucial and significantly impacts the results. CoDA provides reading materials, workbooks, and resources like The 30 Questions; however, the effectiveness of the program ultimately reflects your dedication. It’s important to discuss your availability and any potential interruptions with your prospective sponsor before starting.

30 Questions

Designed for those eager to begin working through the Twelve Steps, The 30 Questions, available as a free PDF download, serves as an excellent resource for sponsors, sponsees, co-sponsors, and Step Study groups to explore Steps 1, 2, and 3 in their everyday lives. The 30 Questions are based on the content found in the Co-Dependents Anonymous Book, often affectionately called the Blue Book.

The 12 Step and 12 Traditions Workbook

Created to complement the CoDA Blue Book, the 12 Step and 12 Traditions Workbook serves as a wonderful resource, offering a solid base for you and your sponsor to explore some or all of the Steps together.

Curious about Sponsorship?

If you’re considering the journey of finding a sponsor or stepping into the role of a sponsor yourself, you may have questions about the process. Please reach out to us with any inquiries regarding sponsorship, including how to connect with a sponsor.

Sponsor in Coda | Twelve Tips for Sponsors | The First 14 Days | New Comers Packet | Boundaries | Codependency Questionnaire | Meeting Handbook | Codependeny –  Recovery the Difference

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