Lost Coast CoDA Community
Lost Coast Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a volunteer fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships committed to support the program adopted from Alcoholics Anonymous to build better relationships with others and ourselves.
Lost Coast CoDA Community Mission Statement
- To practice and apply the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous in all our affairs.
- To develop an effective communications network to and from Lost Coast CoDA local communities.
- To provide a line of communication for Lost Coast CoDA Community Groups to and from CoDA World Fellowship.
- To act as a distribution point for information related to NorCal CoDA Community and Local Events & Schedules.
- To provide a focal point for Regional Conference Event Planning.
Lost Coast CoDA Regional Communities
Lost Coast CoDA communities are located throughout Humboldt County and surrounding areas with men and women dedicated to share the value of the CoDA program with others. Regional communities are comprised of representatives from local CoDA meetings enhancing support and the message of CoDA recovery. Regional committees host one of many one-day conferences.
Lost Coast CoDA Service
Service is an integral aspect of CoDA recovery! CoDA is a fellowship of men and women who find personal value in service to others. Service is a matter of personal choice and commitment whether at a local CoDA meeting or at other CoDA fellowship. For example, lead a CoDA meeting; contribute a few hours each month; or contribute to your local regional community; become a sponsor or offer to respond to emails from the public. What you give will contribute to your personal growth.
Support Lost Coast CoDA – Make a Donation Today!
Support Lost Coast Co-Dependents Anonymous with a donation in support of to those who suffer from codependency. More