CoDA Literature
CoDA Program Consistency
These are our CoDA foundational Documents. At each CoDA sanctioned meeting and event, we read a minimum the CoDA Preamble, Welcome, 12 Steps, and 12 Traditions. These readings, along with the availability of CoDA Service Conference Endorsed literature at your meeting, creating CoDA unity as called for in First Tradition.
Why We Read These?
Many ask why we read the “Foundational Literature” at each meeting. We believe there is much value to be gained starting out a CoDA meeting affirming at each meeting the value we find to the the program and assure that the meeting follows the 12 Traditions.
CoDA Newcomer Welcome Packet
Welcome to CoDA is a free pamphlet specifically designed for those new to CoDA. The pamphlet is filled with CoDA foundational materials, including the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, Patterns and Characteristics of Codependency, and other helpful CoDA tools.
All CoDA sanctioned meetings and events include the reading of – at minimum – the Preamble, Welcome, 12 Twelve Steps, and 12 Traditions. Meetings are routinely closed by reading and affirming the 12 Promises.
CoDA Meeting Readings
Supplemental CoDA Endorsed Documents
For Safety’s Sake (Floor Tent Card)
Where Can I Obtain CoDA Books, Pamphlets, & Literature?
Many CoDA meetings have a literature table with a number of inexpensive pamphlets, CoDA books, and other CoDA literature.
CoDA Pamphlets & Books
The Co-Dependents Anonymous book – sometimes referred to as the “blue book” – and The CoDA Workbook are available at most CoDA meetings and can be purchased online. CoDA literature and books are meant to be educational and helpful in your recovery. We recommend that in addition to reading approved CoDA and books that you also attend meetings and other steps to work the program. Other free downloadable literature is also available on the website.
The CoDA Blue Book
Co-Dependents Anonymous – sometimes referred to as the CoDA Blue Book – is a thorough introduction to understanding the codependence and the CoDA program and includes many stories of codependents who found happiness in themselves and in their relationships. It offers insight about the CoDA the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, sponsorship, and many other CoDA tools.
Reading The Co-Dependents Anonymous – the CoDA Blue Book – is encouraged but not required to attend meetings. The CoDA Blue Book is one of many valuable tools available as you work your CA Program.
Purchase Now!
CoDA Workbook
The CoDA Twelve Seps & Twelve Traditions Workbook – sometimes referred to the “Green Book” – provides a structured, sequential, and thought provoking structure exploring the dynamics of your life as relating to each of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. Each of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions are comprised of a number of questions and the opportunity for you to answer at your own pace.
We recommend that you continue to attend meetings, obtain a sponsor, and work your CoDA program.
As you work the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, you will discover that there is much value reading and journaling in the Workbook with another person who has or is currently Working the Steps. No longer do you need to feel alone in fear or shame. Purchase Now!