Brené Brown, the insightful author of Daring Greatly, emphasizes that our deep-seated need for connection is a core aspect of being human. She beautifully defines this connection as “the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued.” This bond is crucial for our sense of purpose and meaning in life, highlighting that we are inherently designed to seek out and nurture meaningful relationships with others in order to truly flourish.
In Co-Dependents Anonymous, we embark on a beautiful journey of self-exploration, embracing the love within ourselves, and nurturing healthy, loving connections with others. Regardless of the challenges of your past or the heaviness of your current situation, attending our CoDA meetings will illuminate a path of hope, surrounded by those who understand and share in their own struggles, fulfilling our deep-seated need for connection.
CoDA offers us a beautiful opportunity to be recognized, listened to, and cherished within a supportive and caring space. Here, we cultivate empathy infused with gentle detached compassion. It allows you to bond with others who share your quest for joy, happiness, and love in life. This connection is essential for fostering our sense of purpose, meaning, and healing on our journey.
What is Co-Dependents Anonymous?
We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to you at Lost Coast Co-Dependents Anonymous, a recovery initiative dedicated to addressing the complexities of codependence. This is a place where you can embark on your path toward a life enriched with fulfillment, joy, and, above all, love—both for yourself and for others.
Here, we come together to share our experiences, strengths, and hopes as we seek liberation from the constraints that have affected our relationships with others and ourselves, transforming turmoil into tranquility. Read More…
Am I Co-Dependent?
Codependency frequently arises from a variety of influences, such as childhood trauma, diminished self-esteem, inadequate self-worth, and dysfunctional familial relationships. Read More…
Working the Program
Working the Program of Co-Dependents Anonymous is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for those seeking positive, healthy and loving relationships. Read More…
Becoming a sponsor or being sponsored is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in recovery. Read More…
Steps to Start Your CoDA Meeting
Welcome! You are brave for choosing to embark on the journey toward an extraordinary life. Initiating a meeting is one of the most courageous actions you can take in your recovery. Here, you will uncover your “authentic self,” as Brené Brown beautifully expresses in her book Daring Greatly, in a safe and nurturing environment surrounded by like-minded individuals. Read More….
Being of Service
Lost Coast Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a volunteer fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships committed to support the program adopted from Alcoholics Anonymous to build better relationships with others and ourselves. Read More..
Why Affirmations Don’t Work: The Science-Backed Truth
By Joshua Bardez, Lost Coast CoDA Editorial Staff --- Positive thinking brings with it a...
Emotional Pain: The Unexpected Master Teacher for Emotional and Spiritual…
By Shailes McWan, Lost Coast CoDA Editorial Staff --- Emotional pain can weigh heavily on...
Conquering Anger and Rage: No Recovery Without Facing Your Pain
By Joshua Bardez, Lost Coast CoDependents Anonymous Editorial Staff --- The pain we sometimes ignore...