Your First CoDA Meeting

Welcome! You are embarking on a beautiful journey toward creating a truly fulfilling life.

Where we  share a journey of self-discovery, learning to love ourselves, and develop healthy and loving relationships. No matter how traumatic your past or despairing your present may seem, you’ll find hope by attending our CoDA meetings.

Recovery unfolds as individuals engage in their unique journeys at their own rhythm, healing from co-dependency. Many have expressed that meetings hold a special significance for them, serving as a sacred space where everyone can share their experiences, strength, and hope. This nurturing environment is free from judgment, unsolicited advice, and side conversations, allowing for genuine connection and support.

Lost Coast CoDA  Meetings

CoDA meetings are held throughout Humboldt County and surrounding areas. Our regional CoDA Communities websites provide a current list of meetings listed by county or city. Where you can start your own meetings.

What Happens at a CoDA Meeting?

A CoDA meeting is the heart of the CoDA program, a fellowship of people, many with life experiences similar to yours, who come together to following the Steps and Traditions of the program and share their experience strength and hope to find peace, love, and acceptance. See Your First CoDA Meeting.

Attending Your First few meetings:

  • Attend meetings – 2 a week if possible.

  • When at meetings listen without judgement to others’ sharing and for the similarities in their story to your own.

  • When you feel safe, start to share in meetings. Speak as honestly as you are able about your feelings, your story and what you are discovering about your self.

  • Talk to other members after meetings about what brought you to CoDA, ask members to share their experience of Co-Dependency and their own path or recovery with you.

  • Read the literature on sponsorship and then look for a Sponsor or Co-Sponsor to start working the CoDA program with. It is suggested that you if you are a newcomer to CoDA or are looking into being a sponsor we recommend you start with ‘The First 14 Days.”

  • Ask other members for their phone numbers and make ‘outreach’ calls

  • Read some CoDA literature, the CoDA Blue Book is a good place to start.

  • Begin to identify your own Co-Dependency patterns and talk to other members about them. Write about your feelings and thoughts

Find A Meeting

Lost Coast CoDA meeting lists are maintained by volunteers and offer you a large number of meetings throughout Humboldt County and surrounding areas. 

If you have a new CoDA meeting in your area, please contact Lost Coast CoDA and advise us of the time, contact person and what type of meeting it will be.

Lost Coast CoDA meeting schedules are maintained by volunteers at the regional level. We encourage you to confirm the meeting date time and location by calling the listed contact person. Each meeting is independently managed by the local CoDA community. We encourage you to confirm the meeting date time and location by calling the listed contact person. Each meeting is independently managed by the local CoDA community.

Questions concerning meetings can also be sent to lc****@ya***.com  (We are a volunteer organization. Please be patient for a reply.)

Start a Meeting

Each CoDA meeting started with one person seeking to share and give back to the community – a spark of light shared with others. Be the spark by  starting a meeting.  To help you start your meeting, CoDA has developed a complete meeting handbook which is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese at 

CoDA International Meeting Database

The CoDA International website has a free searchable database of world wide CoDA meetings – including online and phone.

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Lost Coast Co-Dependents Anonymous